(source unknown. somebody help me here!)


I got home last night an legit sat on the couch waiting for Michael to get home so I could complain about my day.

Let's talk about what is wrong with that scenario.
a.) it's super selfish
b.) it's super negative
c.) it's super selfishly negative

Luckily for me I have a rockstar boyfriend who calmed me down, went to the gym to workout with me, and then made me dinner. What-whaaaaaaat!

After dinner I got ready to set up my work computer and go over a project, and realized how much I had to be thankful for. 
I know you're all thinking: "LAURA. It's October 10th. Thanksgiving isn't for over a month. Cool your jets", but why do we have to wait until Thanksgiving to do a "thankful" post? 
After being so negative today, I figured it was time to do a quick post on things I'm thankful for. I really encourage everyone to try writing a post like this. I know it's cheesy, but thinking of all the positive things in your life can really improve your mood!
So here's what I'm thankful for:

- honeycrisp apples 
- my two cutest nieces
- nice comments on instagram + the blog
- hearing "thank you" for even the smallest nice deed
- small town wisconsin restaurants
-Breaking Bad
- Michael 
- comfy pj pants
-ginger ale
- ridiculous emails from friends
- the smell of fall air
- warm sheets out of the dryer
- the green bay packers
- cheap flowers from the grocery store
- finding new etsy shops to love
- buttered noodles (yes i'm 5)
- 25 cent machine toys
- this necklace

So, friends. Put all your fears of being cheesy aside, and tell me what you're thankful for!
I can't wait to read them!

xo, lp


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