life's a beach.

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it's another no capitalizing kind of day. just because.
michael and i fail at beach going. here's proof:

thing 1 : michael and i went to virginia beach on tuesday, and spent a good part of the day boogie boarding in the ocean. 
the first thing i did wrong was wear a bikini.
 the second thing i did wrong was convince myself i was doing awesome & try to ride a MUCH bigger wave than i should have.
a big old wave started to break and i chose to grin like an idiot and jumped on it. long story short: it crashed over me and took me tumbling to the ocean floor shallows. besides taking my dignity it took my bikini top mostly off as i scraped the bottom and now looks like one very angry cat scratched the heck out of me. classy.
(for the record i did manage to ride other waves before said incident- and other than almost smashing into a fellow beachgoer, i was pretty successful)

thing 2: i was laying out in the sun on my stomach and had my arms stretched out in front of me on the beach and failed to notice the beach bag strap laying across my arm. i must say, the thick white diagonal tan line goes quite well with the chest scratches.

thing 3: michael is singlehandedly keeping the aloe companies in business. after his ridiculous burn last time at the beach we applied layer after layer of sunscreen on his back and shoulders....but neglected his chest/stomach because he has so damn much hair. Wellllll let's just say that was dumb and it now looks like he's wearing a t-shirt that's white on the back and neon pink on the front.

thing 4: when we first started out in the ocean on the boards we were just floating along, and michael was still wearing his brand new sunglasses. i said "hey, are you going to take those off?". well folks, per usual he didn't listen and a few waves later they were lost at sea.

thus, from now on when we go to the beach michael will be slathered with sunscreen from head to toe & i'll be wearing a full wetsuit.  we'll be quite the sight to see!

(all that being said, we did have a pretty dang good time. photos prove that, right?)

Please tell me we're not the only ones that are terrible beachgoers.

xo, lp



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