Have you guys seen Buzzfeed's "Life in your Early Twenties vs Life in your Late Twenties?". If not, I highly recommend you look at it over your lunch break. For those of you in the 25+ club with me, you'll enjoy it...and for those of you not quite there yet- this is what you have to look forward to!
My photographer sister came in town this weekend and we spent some much needed time together. We've kind of found a rhythm when she comes to visit, and each time it just gets better. We visit our old college stomping grounds & get coffee and bagels at our favorite place. We have our fair share of girl talk, family talk, and advice time. We watch ridiculous TV (or in this case, Pitch Perfect...twice..), go out to dinner, and then relax at home with Michael.
Saturday night after watching a movie we did a puzzle. Yes, you read that right. a PUZZLE. Until MIDNIGHT. It started as kind of a joke, but ended up being a competition to see if we could finish it. Early twenties Laura would have begged her to go bar hopping.Early twenties Laura would have been like " YOU HAVE GOT TO BE EFFING KIDDING ME". But man, I have to say, it was awesome. We had a hefty supply of beers, some great music, and were laughing so loud I'm not sure why the neighbors didn't call the landlord. It feels pretty good to get to a point in your life where you can do whatever the hell you want (be it lame to others or not) and don't feel like you need to justify it or hide it.
It snowed Saturday night. Sure, it was gone by late Sunday morning, but still. I almost took a picture for Instagram whining about it, but decided there were prettier things to share. Take what's on our bedside table currently: this years V-day rose in a glass pop bottle. Shouldn't all pop come in bottles still? So much cooler.
Coming tomorrow I'm sharing a super odd recipe. At least odd for me. I tried my hand at candy vodka...you'll have to check back tomorrow to see how it turned out!
In other news, Michael taught my 3 year old niece how to shoot spitballs this weekend. At a T.G.I Fridays.
Can't wait until she's in school, uses that knowledge, gets detention, and we get a call about it.
What thing did you do this weekend that young-you would have laughed at?
I'm probably the only that did a puzzle, but I know some of you must have something to share!
xo, lp
psst: check out more in Instagram HERE
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