Oh heyyyyy.
This weekend Michael and I had no plans. Can I just say how magical that is? I baked a little bit too much for my own good, crafted, carved pumpkins, and watched a ridiculous amount of football. We had more rain Sunday than we've have in the last few months combined- and what better way to spend a rainy weekend than be super lazy??

This week kick butt mail-wise. Some amazing gifts from a blogger I love Sheri Ann and then some prints from my favorite Etsy shop, Pen & Paint. Lindsay has the sweetest packaging, it's just a fact. 

Speaking of Etsy, clearly by all your input on last week's Etsy post, you all love knot & bow about as much as I do. I still can't get over those Me & You pencils...
(photos via Knot & Bow)

It was pouring rain all day Sunday, so naturally I cooked and carved a pumpkin. I probably won't shock anyone with what I chose to make....
(find me on instagram here)

It's been chilly here in Wisconsin, which means huge scarves, cozy sweaters, and comfy boots:

Tomorrow I'm sharing my recipe for the best roasted pumpkin seeds EVER. Yes I'm bragging. Deal.

How was your weekend?
Don't even try to tell me you roasted better pumpkin seeds. I promise I schooled you.

xo, lp



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