Whatup team.

The weather is truly summer like. 85+ and thunderstorming daily. Yes, thunderstorming is now officially a word. Normally I love storms, but me and mah new car are terrified of hail. And wind. And flying tree branches. Boo.

Here's what's been going on lately:

I own too many big necklaces. Someone stop me:
 shirt (on major clearance)  //  necklace

We had a little work get-to-know you at the Terrace the other night. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect sunset!

You better believe I'm ready for the 4th of July! I have a ton of plans for fun snacks and drinks...and put my red & blue washi to good use this weekend- crafts on the blog soon!

Sunday was THE perfect pool day. Oh my goodness. So. Much. Sun. Michael stole my pool floatie like a big jerk:

I also spent some time editing photos of my GORGEOUS friend Dani for the launch of her new blog & business site. Yes I like to take pictures. Even if my sister is the professional- with a model like Dani, you kind of can't go wrong. I mean, come on:

And finally... like I mentioned, I'm ready for the 4th. Here's the recipe for tomorrow. It's the easiest one I've ever posted, but that doesn't mean it's not deeeee-licious...

What did you do this weekend everyone?
Pool time? Work? Picnics? Weddings?
Tell me something good!

xo, lp

find me on instagram HERE!


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