Have you guys all seen the movie Mean Girls? You know when Regina George is being a real wench to her friend Gretchen (who is trying to turn the word "fetch" into a cool word)? 
She says to Gretchen:
"STOP trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not going to happen"

I feel like that is what Mother Nature is trying to tell Wisconsin about summer, that it's just not going to happen...and Wisconsin only semi-listens. 5 days of 50 degrees and rain....followed by 1 day of 74 and sunny. ::repeat::

Hope you're following me here. Either way, this weekend kicked butt, and we had not one but TWO days where it didn't rain most of the time. I even got to wear short sleeves one day. Amazing.

Here's what's been up lately:

1. It was finally nice enough to wear this soft, amazing GAP tee:

2. Saturday we had a full day/night with our friends that was Mexican themed. Only Mexican beer, pop, food. It was awesome. Especially because Jarritos are pretty to look at:

3. I stole this picture from Dani- but she captured the best shot of our watermelon basil margaritas.Yum.

4. Naturally I had to make guacamole. I mean, come on. It was DELICIOUS. You may just see a recipe for it on the blog soon :)  

5. I had to take this cheesy picture to prove there were blue skies. And because I painted my nails and didn't pick off the polish for like a solid 8 hours (new record).

6. In other news, I bought some awesome colorful paper straws from an Etsy shop a bit back and they arrived this weekend. SUPER cheap, and so cheery! If you're looking for fun straws or washi tape for a party- I highly recommend the shop Loollipop (no, not a typo).  She was super accomodating when I bought these straws and some other goodies. Yes, I compulsively put them in rainbow order...

7. Sunday Michael and I headed downtown to fish with our friend Ben. It was STUNNING on lake Mendota. I even stole Michael's iPhone for a few panoramas!

How was your weekend, friends?
Tell me something good!

xo, lp

psssssssssssst: do you love instagram as much as i do? find me HERE!


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